Friday, December 7, 2007

The best part of my day...

It’s about 7ish in the evening and I hear a key opening the first latch of our door…in 2 seconds I hear the second latch opening and the door bursts open…he walks in casually and reaches for the coat closet. He hangs his jacket and lifts his face to look at me…pretending that he just noticed when actually, he has been expecting me and waiting for me to come to him. We say our hellos, the hugs and kisses follow and so do the ‘how was your day? ‘,’ how’s it going? ‘,’how was office?’,’ what did the professor say today ?’ and all…We go into the drawing room and sit on the couch…filling each other on the happenings of the day…the usual topics like ‘ you would not believe what Dr.Roberts said today…’,’ really ?thats interesting’…and the moments blend into the night.

It’s the momentary anticipation in the few seconds when he is opening the door…I know its him but I can hardly wait to see him. I have been busy with all the studying, assignments, researching and worrying all day while he was away but I have still missed his presence. It’s about ten hours since I see him leave for work in the mornings when I am half asleep and peeping from below the covers…saying my ‘byeeeeee…have a nice day ‘ s but wishing he would not have to go and yet, it feels like I must have waited for years…

There is a certain peace in the knowledge that there is a constant in the uncertainty of the way the day unfolds. Or maybe it’s just the warmth of those twinkling eyes…It’s the feeling of calm when I see him at the end of it all that makes the mayhem of the day worth enduring. Or maybe its just that smile…whatever it is…these moments are the best part of my day…

I could live a lifetime’s worth of madness, sadness and mayhem in a single day just to experience those few moments at the end and never complain…even if I lived for just a single day.

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